Walls of Jerusalem Winter Experience

Land Tour

4 days

Walls of Jerusalem Winter Experience
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  • Itinerary
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$AUD 499 per day

Departure: Launceston, Australia

Arrival: Launceston, Australia


The Walls of Jerusalem is Tasmania's only true alpine national park. To truly appreciate the grandeur of this alpine setting, fit and hardy walkers should consider walking and snowshing through the highlands during the winter months when the landscapes are blanketed with fresh snow. The Walls of Jerusalem are only accessible by foot, and this walking and snowshing itinerary provides an ideal introduction to winter camping without the commitment of carrying full backpacks. Following the route from the Fish River, past the historic trapper's hut and beyond the scattered tarns known as Solomons Jewels, is your base camp. From here your days are filled with sensational excursions carrying only the day's necessities, returning each evening to your comfortable camping set up. The trip is suitable for those who have never snowshd before as time will be allocated to learn the art of this increasingly popular mode of winter travel. Depending on the weather, we aim to explore the heart of the "Walls", and climb Mt. Jerusalem, King Davids Peak and possibly reach the remote outer areas known as Golden Gate and Zion Vale by either foot or on snowshs.
