Walls of Jerusalem Self Guided Experience

Land Tour

3 days

Walls of Jerusalem Self Guided Experience
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Itinerary
  • Location

$AUD 432 per day

Departure: Launceston, Australia

Arrival: Launceston, Australia


For experienced walkers a self guided trek into Tasmania's majestic Walls of Jerusalem National Park should be high on the agenda. Only accessible by foot, this spectacular and remote glacier carved landscape is Tasmania's one true alpine National Park.
After a pre-trip briefing from our experienced operations team in Launceston, you are transferred to the trail-head for a short, steep hike to the comfortable base camp, complete with toilets and tent platforms. From here it's up to you where you wish to explore. Leaving your main gear at base camp, enjoy delightful day walks with light packs into the heart of 'the Walls'. You'll have the chance to climb King David's Peak and Mt Jerusalem, from where views stretch across much of Tasmania, or venture to remote outer regions such as Golden Gate or Zion Vale. The biblical names for the many highlights in the area adds to the imagery and drama of this other-worldly region that is void of the crowds of better-known trails in Tasmania. Each day you'll return to the base camp, situated near a cluster of beautiful alpine tarns known as Solomons Jewels, and surrounded by native wildlife.
This self guided walking adventure is a great introduction for those wishing to extend their hiking CV to independent walking in remote wilderness. With food, equipment, safety and transport taken care of, you are free to focus on making the most of the unique and unforgettable walking opportunities on offer in the Walls of Jerusalem National Park.
