Tuscany Bike and Sail

Land Tour

8 days

Tuscany Bike and Sail
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$AUD 511 per day

Departure: Porto Santo Stefano, Italy

River/Small ship/Barge

Images of Tuscany bring to mind rolling hills, epic architecture, the aromatic scents of herbs and citrus fruits and tasty cuisine and wine. Add to this a journey on a resplendent tallship to discover the islands of Elba,Giglio and the dramatic Tuscan coastline and daily cycles to explore the sights and you have the essence of our Tuscany Bike and Sail trip. Cycle in the footsteps of the Etruscans, and enjoy the Italian 'Dolce Vita!'. Cypress trees, vineyards and olive trees spread across the rolling hills characterising the typical Tuscan landscape. Picturesque medieval towns with small cobbled streets and colorful houses feature as you cycle between ports. Beautiful sandy beaches and remote bays beckon for a swim in the glistening blue water. Aboard the tallship Atlantis with its giant sails, provides a true seafaring ambience. There is nothing better than to jump into the sea directly from the deck of the boat in a quiet bay, help out with hoisting the sails and relax on deck with a cold drink as the sun dips below the horizon.
