The Wilds of Abruzzo

Land Tour

9 days

The Wilds of Abruzzo
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  • Itinerary
  • Location

$AUD 686 per day

Departure: Rome, Italy

Arrival: Rome, Italy


Stunning Peaks and Silent Valleys

Lying just a short distance east of Rome the region of Abruzzo is wild, unspoilt and hauntingly beautiful. Our tour here explores all three of its national parks, which abound with chamois, deer, wolves and the rarely seen Marsican bear. We stay in remote villages, perched high on hilltops, surrounded by the majestic peaks of the Apennine mountains. Much of the region feels untouched by modern life and we explore some of its oldest culinary traditions. In spring the landscape is carpeted with wild flowers, before autumn paints it red and gold and the ancient beech forests are at their most stunning. The Abruzzese people are extremely warm and hospitable which makes hiking in this part of Italy a truly unforgettable experience.  The cost is €3,425 per person, based on two sharing, and there is a single supplement of €375.

