The Walls of Jerusalem Experience

Land Tour

4 days

The Walls of Jerusalem Experience
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$AUD 549 per day

Departure: Launceston, Australia

Arrival: Launceston, Australia


Discover a mountain landscape only accessible by foot on this exclusive walk in the magnificent Walls of Jerusalem, Tasmania's only true alpine National Park.
On this trip we use a comfortable base camp near the main peaks, allowing for delightful day walks with light packs into the heart of this spectacular mountain region. On the first day we make the short, steep hike up to the base camp with full packs, then set up our tents on raised timber platforms nestled amongst the wilderness. You'll have the chance to climb King David's Peak and Mt Jerusalem, from where views stretch across much of Tasmania, or venture to remote outer regions such as Golden Gate or Zion Vale. Each evening we return to camp, situated near a stunning cluster of alpine tarns known as Solomons Jewels, where your guides will prepare gourmet camp meals served with a view.
Utilising the base camp, this trip is an ideal introduction to remote wilderness walking in one of Tasmania's most pristine alpine environments.
