The Kingdom of Mustang

Land Tour

17 days

The Kingdom of Mustang
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$AUD 364 per day

Departure: Kathmandu, Nepal


Situated on the border of Nepal and Tibet, north of the Annapurna range, Mustang is one of the finest Himalayan destinations for both its rugged mountain landscapes and rich cultural legacy. This outstanding trek, which includes several long trekking days and a number of passes over 4000m, follows established trails through substantial villages that once served a thriving trade route between Nepal and Tibet. These whitewashed settlements, set amid fields of barley and home to impressive chortens and simple monasteries, reflect the abiding Buddhist culture. The terrain is striking; a semi-arid desert with deep ravines and rock shelves, flanked by snowy peaks. A highlight is the visit to Lo Manthang, where the King of Mustang reigns over his tiny kingdom and surveys a world still culturally closer to the heartland of Tibet than to the markets and temples of Kathmandu. This is an outstanding journey to one of the true gems of the Himalaya.
