The Full Le Puy Camino

Land Tour

40 days

The Full Le Puy Camino
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$AUD 200 per day

Departure: Le Puy en Velay, France

In France, the Camino de Santiago is known as 'The Way of St James'. This exciting walking opportunity provides the chance to walk the entire length of the Via Podiensis, the French Way of St James, which has been the route of many pilgrims between Le Puy en Velay and the Pyrenees at St Jean Pied de Port. If you are unable to commit to the length that is required for such a trip you can join one of our six self guided walking stages along this historic trail in France. The Way of St James came to prominence in the 9th century when the tomb of the apostle St James was unearthed in Compostela, Spain. The site became the focus of a pilgrim trail beginning in France, the focus of this trip, and crossing northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela. The route passes a multitude of churches and monasteries, resembling a travelling museum of Romanesque art
