The Crusader Trail - Cathar Castles Walk

Land Tour

7 days

The Crusader Trail - Cathar Castles Walk
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$AUD 264 per day

Departure: Perpignan, France

On the border of the Corbières region, where the Pyrenean mountain chain begins, lies a network of secret trails that lead to the mysterious Cathar castles. From the 12th to 13th centuries, Catharism was entrenched in the region, a sect that shunned conventional Christianity and materialism. The Cathar Crusade against the people of Languedoc in southern France lasted for more than forty years and effectively ended the Cathar reign. Whilst many of the castles have since been destroyed or built over, a few good examples remain including the castle at Puivert, Chateau de Troubadours. This walk follows ancient trails through forests, vineyards and orchards to the medieval castles. The stunning scenery and interesting villages make this a richly rewarding experience for walkers and history buffs alike.
