St Francis Way: Chiusi to Città di Castello

Land Tour

6 days

St Francis Way: Chiusi to Città di Castello
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$AUD 182 per day

Departure: Chiusi, Italy

During the Middle Ages St Francis of Assisi traversed the ridges and valleys of the Apennines, looking for God's signs in nature and talking to people about peace, humility and brotherhood. During this section of the Way of St Francis 'camino' route, follow the paths St Francis covered during his frequent pilgrimages. Discover traces of his passage, such as Franciscan hermitages, chapels and crosses as you walk through the typical landscape of eastern Tuscany and northern Umbria; shady forests, orchards, olive groves and fields of wheat, corn and tobacco. Apart from the spiritual side of this walk, there are numerous drawcards along the way such as Chiusi with its charming location and Franciscan monastery, the medieval hamlet of Anghiari and the culinary delights which await each evening. Crossing from the Arno to the Tiber river valleys, with hill top castles dotting the landscape and evidence of St Francis and his journey from church to chapels, there are also opportunities to view birdlife such as Montagu's Harrier and Moorhen.
