Silk Road to Samarkand via Kashgar

Land Tour

27 days

Silk Road to Samarkand via Kashgar
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$AUD 355 per day

Departure: Beijing, China


This extraordinary journey follows the ancient silk route from its source in Xian, China, through an ever changing landscape to the fabled city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. We begin with a tour of Beijing visiting all the sights before transferring to Xian by train to view the remarkable Terracotta Warriors. Along the China Silk Road we will also visit Xiahe and the enormous Tibetan monastery at Labrang, the Buddhist frescos in the Mogao Caves and the serene 'Heaven's Lake' deep in the Tian Shan mountains, before flying to Kashgar in time for the famous Sunday markets. We depart China over the Torugart Pass and cross into Central Asia, visiting the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek, the tree lined streets of Tashkent and the walled city of Khiva. Continuing to Bukhara, we savour its rich history as we stroll through the bazaars, mosques and magnificent Summer Palace before travelling to Samarkand to view the impressive domes and minarets of The Registan - a collection of madrasahs, and one of the most impressive sights in Central Asia.
