Reindeer Tribes of Mongolia

Land Tour

10 days

Reindeer Tribes of Mongolia
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  • Itinerary
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$AUD 548 per day

Departure: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Arrival: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Private / Tailor made

  • Camp in the wilderness amongst wildflowers
  • Travel by horse into the remote location where the Tsaachin tribe live
  • Live with the Tsaachin Tribe in their teepees and slip into their daily life
  • Meet a Tsaachin Shaman
  • Enjoy a boat ride on the beautiful Lake Khuvsgal
  • Mongolia - one of Asia's last frontiers and one of the world’s last unspoilt destinations. Travel by horse to the nomadic Tsaachin tribe who have a spiritual connection the reindeer herds that they live with.

    Once a thriving community, the Tsaachin tribe has dwindled in recent years leaving only 200-400 members left in northern Mongolia. This is the perfect way to explore and mingle with this shrinking tribe in the spectacular landscapes of Mongolia. Return from your journey with spectacular images, memories and new found knowledge. Mingle with friendly nomads as you learn their way of life. Ride through lush meadows, wooded hills and ruins from the ancient Mongolian Empire before reaching the magnificent turquoise Lake Khuvsgul, known in Mongolia as ‘Blue Pearl’.

    The Tsaachin or Tsaatan’s entire existence is based on their reindeer herds which provide them with milk for producing cheese, antlers for carving and medicinal purposes, transportation and on the odd occasion, meat. Part of the Tuvan ethnic group, this small tribe is truly nomadic, regularly moving in search for a rare type of lichen and grass for their reindeer. The Tsaachin people do not stay in the traditional Mongolian gers we commonly recognise as a symbol on the country, but live in urts, similar to the Native American teepees which were traditionally made from birch bark.

    A culture rich in Shamanism, these spiritual healers play an important role to the community providing traditional remedies for injury and illness. Previously a self sufficient tribe with only their reindeers, the Tsaachin now have to forage for berries, wild potato and pine nuts in the Autumn as well as occasionally fish or hunt to simply survive. The reindeer are said to have been domesticated several thousands of years ago and play a key role in the spiritual, socio economic and linguistic traditional of the local community.

    Your visit to the reindeer herding people plays an important role to help them and their culture survive. Although very few travellers venture into this realm, our tourism initiative provides them with a supplemental income and cultural exchange education for both our travellers and local Tsaachin people. To spend time with these tribes people is truly remarkable and brimming with cultural practices that provide a deep insight into this fascinating way of life.

    Travelling on horseback is the best way to reach the remote settlement with a full support crew of guides, cooks and horse tenders there to assist. Sleep in teepees like the locals and after visiting this isolated land, continue on through the spectacular scenery of rolling mountains, lush forests before venturing the turquoise waters of Lake Khuvsgul.]]>

    * Pricing is subject to change at anytime until full payment has been received.

    * A minimum of 4 adults is required to guarantee this departure.

    Please note that the single supplement is only available for hotel stays and not applicable to ger camps/tents.

    A non-refundable deposit of $1000 AUD per person is required to secure your place. Final payment is due no later than 60 days prior to departure. Travel insurance is mandatory for travelling with Crooked Compass. For full terms and conditions, please click here.]]>

