Premium Cambodia

Land Tour

6 days

Premium Cambodia
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$AUD 411 per day

Departure: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Arrival: Siem Reap, Cambodia


Encounter a land where the past sits alongside the present on a six-day Premium adventure through Cambodia. Explore the revitalised city of Phnom Penh and make a sobering visit to the Killing Fields of Chung Ek. Discover traditional Cambodian life at Skun Village as you take in quiet moments of local culture. The UNESCO World Heritage-listed temples of Angkor Wat have intrigued the world for centuries – uncover their mysteries with the guidance of a local leader and archaeological guide. Stay at a relaxing wellness retreat for three nights in Siem Reap and end it all with a private farewell dinner under the sunset, among the rice fields of a rural village.
