Mysterious Bhutan Tour - 9 nights

Land Tour

10 days

Mysterious Bhutan Tour - 9 nights
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$AUD 512 per day

Departure: Paro, Bhutan

Arrival: Paro, Bhutan


Small group

Autumn in Bhutan is so beautiful with cool clear days.

The awesome flight into Paro will thrill the most jaded traveller.

On arrival experience the 3 western valleys of Paro, Thimphu & Punakha and Phobjikha in the central region of Bhutan.

This small group tour caters to a maximum of 8 persons.

The tour features the Black Necked Crane festival held at Gangtey Gnpa in the Phobjikha Valley.

The tour also features the most important sights in Thimphu city being the Buddha Dordenma; Tara Lhaden Zhingkham Lhakhang; Simply Bhutan village;  Trashichh Dzong; Takin Preserve; National Memorial Chorten; Royal Textiles Academy and time to wander about the city.

In Punakha visit the magnificent Punakha Dzong; indulge in the colourful legend of Chimi Lhakhang; visit remote Talo village and take a delightful hike to the Khamsum Yulley Namgyel Chorten.

Our favourite valley, Phobjikha, is a delight. Just so beautiful and wonderful for walks & hikes.

Finally in Paro take time to explore the Rinpung Dzong and the colourful streets of the town before a finale being a special pilgrimage hike to the iconic Taktsang Monastery (Tigers Nest).

