Mount Meru Ascent

Land Tour

4 days

Mount Meru Ascent
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$AUD 548 per day

Departure: Arusha, Tanzania


Mount Meru is often seen solely as an acclimatisation ascent before attempting Kilimanjaro. However, most trekkers come away exhilarated by the experience of climbing a steep ridge line to a crater rim that rivals Kilimanjaro. The slopes of Mount Meru are home to a large wildlife population including elephants and mountain reedbuck. The summit reaches 4566m and although considerably lower than neighbouring Kilimanjaro is not to be taken lightly. This is a fantastic trek offering challenge and stunning vistas in a compact time frame that is achievable for fit walkers. It can be taken on its own or combined with any other climb such as Kilimanjaro or Mt Kenya.
