Mont Blanc Encompassed

Land Tour

10 days

Mont Blanc Encompassed
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$AUD 259 per day

Departure: Chamonix Valley, France

There is something unique about a circumnavigation of the Mont Blanc massif on foot. Perhaps it is a feeling of exhilaration from being immersed in some of the most beautiful mountain scenery on earth while a quaint village is only a few hours away. Or perhaps it’s the daytime forays where you and your companions tough it out over a glacial pass to descend to your evening accommodation for a nice quiet ‘local red’ to reflect on the days adventures. This is trekking at its most civilized! The route is always inspiring, ambling through flowering meadows, dipping into old oak forests and breaking out above the tree line into high alpine pastures which showcase the snowy peaks of the Mont Blanc Massif. The finishing touch... the opportunity to sample the warm mountain hospitality of the French, Swiss and Italian villages along the way.
