Medieval Umbria

Land Tour

7 days

Medieval Umbria
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$AUD 823 per day

Departure: Arezzo, Italy

Arrival: Arezzo, Italy


Abbeys and Art in the Apennines

This tour starts in Arezzo with visits to world-famous paintings by Renaissance artist Piero della Francesca, before continuing to a leisurely lunch and olive oil tasting at an organic farm. We stay in the charming town of Anghiari, explore nearby Sansepolcro, and cross from Tuscany into Umbria over the Apennines with beautiful views across both regions. We follow evocative pilgrim trails, once trodden by St Francis of Assisi, to remote churches, a dramatic fortress and a 13th century Benedictine monastery. We sleep in a beautifully restored abbey and finish the holiday with three nights in the heart of the fascinating town of Gubbio, with its Etruscan, Roman and medieval history. The final day of our tour coincides with the unique medieval crossbow festival for which Gubbio is famous, known as Il Palio della Balestra, and we have a rare chance to witness this stunning spectacle. The price is €3,195 per person, based on two sharing, and there is a single supplement of €325.

