Madagascar Wilderness Trek

Land Tour

14 days

Madagascar Wilderness Trek
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$AUD 344 per day

Departure: Antananarivo, Madagascar

Arrival: Antananarivo, Madagascar


Explore the Lost Continent on foot on our two-week walking tour of Madagascar. From the remote villages of the Central Highlands to the lush trails of the rainforest, trek through the island's famous reserves and national parks to spot unique species of lemur, chameleons and colourful birdlife. Get off the beaten path, hiking through tropical vegetation, granite hills and surreal sandstone landscapes before winding up in paradise at Ifaty Beach.

Discover Madagascar's wildlife - Spot rare species like the Golden Bamboo lemur, as well as chameleons, frogs and birds, as you trek the island's parks and reserves.

Experience village life - Immerse yourself in local life, visiting remote villages and rubbing shoulders with locals at markets and workshops.

Ascend the island's highest peak - Take on Imarivolanitra, Madagascar's highest climbable peak at 2658 metres/8720 feet.

Search for Madagascar's unique wildlife from lemurs to chameleons|Walk through villages and interact with the friendly and hospitable local people.|Walk through different landscapes: cloud and rain forest, granite hills and high meadows

Tour information
Transport: Flight, Minibus
Tour staff: Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader
Meals :Breakfast 14, Lunch 9 & Dinner 8
