Kokoda Track

Land Tour

11 days

Kokoda Track
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$AUD 408 per day

Departure: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


For many, the Kokoda Track is a fitting reminder of the Australian Army's heroic battles in 1942 to defend Port Moresby, in extraordinary conditions, from the advancing forces of the Japanese. In the company of our expert guide, we trek across the geographical heart of Papua New Guinea following trails from the tropical rainforests to the rarified climes of the Owen Stanley Ranges. At night we stay in secluded jungle camps close to traditional villages in some of the most remote regions of PNG. We take our time, allowing plenty of opportunity to embrace the history and local culture as well as meet the physical demands of this rugged track. It takes nine days to cover the 96km trail - offering tremendous rewards and a feeling of accomplishment as we complete the trek between the township of Kokoda and the highlands.
