Iceland - Fire, Ice Caves & Frozen Waterfalls

Land Tour

12 days

Iceland - Fire, Ice Caves & Frozen Waterfalls
  • About
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$AUD 941 per day

Departure: Reykjavík, Iceland

Arrival: Reykjavík, Iceland

Iceland truly offers a unique and awe-inspiring adventure!
Experience frozen mountains and glaciers, thrilling excursions and fantastic black sand beaches

Iceland bulges with adventure, unbelievable sights, and experiences. In the frozen north, whales breach and swim, snow-covered hills dive into deep blue fjords, and the giant cascades of Goðafoss - ‘Waterfall of the Gods‘– are frozen mid-leap. In the south, monster 4WDs lead you to enormous glaciers, volcans, black and blue ice caves, and fantastic black sand beaches – one even filled with enormous Diamonds! With 5 nights well away from city lights and far from light pollution, you have ample chances to gaze in awe at the elusive Northern lights. The ‘Northern Lights’ are absolutely at the behest of nature, even though our chances are very high, as you will understand, cannot be guaranteed.
