Huilloc Village Healthy Cook Stove Project

Land Tour

4 days

Huilloc Village Healthy Cook Stove Project
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Itinerary
  • Location

$AUD 338 per day

Departure: Cusco, Peru

Huilloc is located in a remote corner of the Sacred Valley, a 25-minute drive from Ollantaytambo, in a district known for its customary traditions of back strap weaving. The community is home to 200 families. The households rely on wood to burn in their rudimentary open fire cook stoves. The cook stoves produce a thick smoke that hangs in the air, trapped within the confines of the small kitchens. Mostly it’s the women and children who inhale the smoke during meal preparation, spending up to eight hours a day in the kitchen. According to the World Health Organization the inhalation of indoor smoke has been linked to pneumonia in children, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, low birth weight babies and lung cancer. The World Expeditions Foundation will raise funds to facilitate the installation of healthy cook stoves into Huilloc kitchens. This is an opportunity for you and your travelling companion/s (minimum of 2 travellers required) to work alongside the Huilloc community to install these healthy cook stoves. You will stay in local homestays, our cook will prepare all the meals while you are at Huilloc and the local community will warmly welcome you. The local women will give a weaving demonstration and the local men will show us how they tend to the fields and pay respect to pachamama (earth mother).
