High Pamir Adventure

Land Tour

15 days

High Pamir Adventure
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$AUD 541 per day

Departure: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Arrival: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The most challenging journey offered by Sundowners Overland, the High Pamir Adventure will take you literally to the ‘the Roof of the World’ – or Bam-i-Dunya as the Pamir Mountains are known.
The Pamir Highway follows the Afghan border and Panj River deep into Gorno-Badakhshan, whose remote and undisturbed valleys are home to the Persian-speaking Tajiks, independent peoples and tribal groups separated by spectacular scenery. Theirs is a starkly beautiful land of soaring snow-covered peaks, high altitude lakes and fast-flowing rivers. It was through this region some of the earliest Silk Road caravans passed and where the ‘Great Game’ was played out as the British & Russian Imperial armies vied for control of the strategic mountain passes linking Russian Turkestan and British India.
This is no ordinary adventure; high mountain passes to nearly 5000m, very challenging road conditions, remote geography and some nights in very basic accommodation will require that participants are physically fit with an active spirit of adventure.
This journey will be limited to just 12 participants and will be escorted by our Director, Simon Maddison.