Guided Snorkel with Port Phillip Bay Spider Crabs (for one week only)

2 hours

Guided Snorkel with Port Phillip Bay Spider Crabs (for one week only)
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Itinerary
  • Location
  • Things to keep in mind

Each year for a few weeks in late May / early June, spider crabs congregate in Port Phillip Bay. This is one of nature's wildest spectacles and was even featured on the BBC Blue Planet series. It is a breathtaking aggregation of animals that come into the safety of the bay to moult. Once they have shed their skin, they are vulnerable to predators like the huge Smooth Rays that enthusiastically gorge themselves on their soft exoskeletons.

Kids and concession rates also available (click booking button to find out more). 


  • Chance to see Spider Crabs moulting ... one of nature's most exciting spectacles, as featured on BBC Blue Planet. 
  • Dedicated nature guide to find and show you wildlife. 
  • A staff to guest ratio of 4 : 1, meaning there will always be someone to show you what's going on. 
  • Up to 7mm wetsuits and all snorkelling gear supplier. 
  • A HOT SHOWER and free hot (winter) or cold (summer) drinks after you exit the water!
  • Guided safely by certified snorkel trainers, in accordance with Snorkelling, SCUBA Diving & Wildlife SwimsAdventure Activity Standards (AAS).
  • Laminated and waterproof fish ID guides.


NOTE - this tour is scheduled but the weekend may be altered, depending on when the crabs appear and visibility and weather conditions. It's important to be flexible as wildlife events don't always run entirely to schedule and this event sometimes only peaks for about a week. 

If you book to come along, we will keep in close contact with you to let you know what's happening. 

Each participant will be asked to complete a medical declaration/waiver.



Things to keep in mind