Gran Paradiso Adventure

Land Tour

7 days

Gran Paradiso Adventure
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$AUD 299 per day

Departure: Bourg St Maurice, France

Deep in Italy's Aosta Valley on the border with France, is Italy's first national park, so declared by King Victor Emmanuel III in 1922 in the tradition of his grandfather who had named it a Royal Game Reserve in 1856 to protect the ibex and chamois populations. As a direct result of this decree, encounters with these animals occur daily in Park, in the valleys and high on alpine passes. With much of the walk over 2000m (up to a maximum altitude of 3152m), it is not suprising that the scenery is exceptional with views to Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn ranges from the high passes and lookouts encountered. Rugged valleys carpeted in wildflowers, rocky snow covered passes and glacial lakes are typical of this alpine paradise. At night the hosts of the rifugi (mountain refuges) welcome you with good quality mountain cuisine and a dining room brimming with atmosphere.
