GHT Makalu & Everest Traverse via Sherpani Col

Land Tour

34 days

GHT Makalu & Everest Traverse via Sherpani Col
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$AUD 256 per day

Departure: Kathmandu, Nepal


The approach to Makalu Base Camp has been compared to the Yosemite Valley, on a grand scale! To reach some of the most amazing mountain scenery in the Himalaya, you first have to cross the challenging Kongma Danda covered in cloud forest draped in hanging orchids. There are few villages along the approach to the fifth highest peak in the world, Mt Makalu (8485m), the summit of which stands 3km above Base Camp. The mountaineering route over the glaciated Sherpani Col (6180m), West Col (6190m) and Amphu Labsta (5845m) to the Everest region involves the highest and hardest passes in the entire Himalaya, however the rewards of such an undertaking are more than worthwhile! During this trek there will be sections where the trail is very rugged or ill-defined. Space in some camp sites will also be very limited. It may be necessary to make changes to the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather, snow or trail conditions, river water levels, or group movement. Your trip leader will advise any changes should this occur. All participants on the GHT should be flexible and open minded. The GHT should be seen as exploratory in the true sense of the word.
