GHT Everest & Rolwaling Traverse via Tashi Labsta Pass

Land Tour

28 days

GHT Everest & Rolwaling Traverse via Tashi Labsta Pass
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$AUD 226 per day

Departure: Kathmandu, Nepal


This stage of our GHT trek begins on the spectacular trail to the Gokyo valley for views of Mt Everest (8848m) from Gokyo Ri and crossing the stunning Renjo La. The challenging approach to the glaciated Tashi Labsta Pass (5760m) from Thame is as magnificent as it is demanding but the effort is rewarded with fantastic mountain vistas. After crossing two immense glaciers the descent of the Rolwaling valley through picturesque Sherpa villages is a great introduction for the equally hospitable Gurung and Tamang villages. The final challenge is a section of wild ridge-top rhododendron forests before descending to the Last Resort and transferring by road to Kathmandu.
During this trek there will be sections where the trail is very rugged or ill-defined. Space in some camp sites will also be very limited. It may be necessary to make changes to the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather, snow or trail conditions, river water levels, or group movement. Your trip leader will advise any changes should this occur. All participants on the GHT should be flexible and open minded. The GHT should be seen as exploratory in the true sense of the word.
