Ethiopia Simien Mountains and Beyond

Land Tour

17 days

Ethiopia Simien Mountains and Beyond
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$AUD 323 per day

Departure: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Ethiopia has a fascinating history and is home to many unknown treasures and dramatic landscapes. The Simien Mountains of Ethiopia offer superb wilderness trekking with stunning scenery, enormous cliffs and escarpments and the chance to spot unique wildlife such as the Walia Ibex and Gelada Baboon. On our specially designed itinerary we steadily ascend the escarpment trails to the upper flanks of the Simien Mountains. Establishing our campsites on the volcanic plateau our sense of isolation is complete. The thin cool air is punctuated with the calls of rare wildlife, while below the forested gorges merge with the undulating farming lands that stretch across the vast catchment of the Blue Nile. We combine this exceptional trek with a journey across a land dotted with rock-hewn churches, medieval castles and ancient obelisks reflecting a culture dating back more than 3000 years.
