Ethiopia Explorer

Land Tour

10 days

Ethiopia Explorer
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$AUD 359 per day

Departure: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Ethiopia is an African enigma, combining a rich history, mosaic of cultures and incredible geographic diversity. The highlands strong Orthodox Christian heritage has been formidably maintained over the millennia, alone amongst Islam and tribal cultures in surrounding African countries. From the colourful chaotic sprawl of the capital Addis Ababa, medieval castles of Gondar, to the tranquil island monasteries of Lake Tana, it is indeed a land of contrasts. This itinerary includes walking in the Simien Mountains for a look at highlands life as well as time to take in the greatest of the ancient churches including the 12th century rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. The tremendous ethnic diversity of Ethiopia is evident as we explore the only country in Africa to have escaped colonialism.
