Essential Egypt

Land Tour

9 days

Essential Egypt
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$AUD 164 per day

Departure: Cairo, Egypt

Arrival: Cairo, Egypt

Ancient history, golden sands and crowded souqs – Egypt is the ultimate destination for any adventurous traveller. This nine-day trip is the perfect mix of blockbuster wonders and intimate moments, with loads of planned activities and plenty of time to wander at your own pace. Your local leader will take you to bucket list icons like the Pyramids of Giza (one of the Seven Wonders of the World) in Cairo and the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, then guide you off the beaten path to eat koshari in a local downtown joint, or into a bazaar to meet a perfume merchant. Kayak along the Nile, spend a night on a traditional felucca under starry skies and drink your body weight in mint tea. The best part? You’ll do it all with like-minded travellers your own age.


1.Some entrance fees are not included. If you wish to take part in these activities, you pay these fees as you go along.
2. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement excludes Day 2,7 (Sleeper Train) and Day 5 (Felucca) where you will be in shared accommodation and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.
3. Following recent safety incidents we recommend that you check your government's advice for their latest information on travelling in Egypt before your departure and ensure that your travel insurance covers you for all areas of your itinerary. We have links to prominent government travel advisories and regular updates on issues affecting this trip on our Travel Alerts page -

