Ecuador - Andes to Amazon

Land Tour

13 days

Ecuador - Andes to Amazon
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$AUD 290 per day

Departure: Quito, Ecuador

Arrival: Guayaquil, Ecuador


Next to the giants of Peru and Brazil, Ecuador is a tiny pocket of underrated beauty. Our ambitious journey encompasses a wealth of culture and nature, taking in traditional Andean villages, snow-capped volcanic peaks, lush jungle landscapes and a fascinating colonial history.

Volcans - Drive through the spectacular Avenue of the Volcans and walk in Cotopaxi National Park
Indigenous Communities - In the mountainous surroundings of rural Otavalo, discover the indigenous heart of Ecuador
Amazon - Explore Ecuador's Amazon Jungle at a lodge in Misahualli
Extend your trip - Spot wildlife in the Galapagos on one of our seven-night cruises

A two-week tour of all the natural and cultural highlights of mainland Ecuador|Explore traditional Andean villages and colonial architecture|Visit Cotopaxi National Park and sleep in the Amazon Jungle

Tour information
Transport: Bus, Train
Tour staff: Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader
Meals :Breakfast 13, Lunch 4 & Dinner 3
