Delve Deep: Vietnam & Cambodia

Land Tour

17 days

Delve Deep: Vietnam & Cambodia
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$AUD 170 per day

Departure: Hanoi, Vietnam

Arrival: Siem Reap, Cambodia

TRIP VIBE = iconic sights and in-depth adventures with a local Trip Leader. 17 days. Two of the most slap-you-in-the-face-unbelievable countries you’ll ever experience. Who’s ready to go exploring? You know it, we know it – even the carved faces at the Bayon temple know it. Vietnam and Cambodia are famous the world over for their mind-blowing natural beauty, ancient architecture and unique cultures. And this trip? It's here to help you see the very best that both have to offer. We’re talking amazing cities. Fascinating history. Tropical scenery. Food that could actually change your life. Need we go on?

