Danube Delta By Bike & Boat

Land Tour

8 days

Danube Delta By Bike & Boat
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$AUD 431 per day

Departure: Bucharest, Romania

A cycle journey to discover the stunning beauty of the Danube Delta in Romania where the mighty river empties into the Black Sea. Travel along canals with floating reed islands, lagoons and lakes. The landscape alternates between gently rolling hills, flood plains on the Ukraine border, marshland teaming with birdlife such as comorants and great white egrets, and sleepy fishing villages. You will be amazed by the diversity and beauty of the area. Under expert guidance you will discover the fauna and flora of this landscape and rich history evidenced by the Roman and Greek excavations at Argamum. At night relax and enjoy Romanian hospitality and cuisine on board your floating hotel and in a cosy guesthouse in Tulcea.
