Cycle Southern Spain - Murcia

Land Tour

6 days

Cycle Southern Spain - Murcia
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$AUD 323 per day

Departure: Murcia, Spain

Arrival: Murcia, Spain


On this cycling adventure in southern Spain we discover Murcia's whitewashed villages and Moorish towers, endless orchards, ancient irrigation channels and layers of history. Murcia enjoys mild winters, a semi-arid climate and averages more than 320 days of sun per year.

Peaceful cycling - Ride on scenic and quiet backroads and cycle paths through varied landscapes

White-washed villages - typical Spanish villages in the Ricote Valley with Moorish roots

Tapas y Vino - Reward yourself with and refuel on delicious Spanish food and wine.

Peaceful cycling - Ride on scenic and quiet backroads and cycle paths|Caravaca de la Cruz - Visit one of the Catholic world's 5 holy cities|White-washed villages - typical Spanish villages in the Ricote Valley with Moorish roots

Tour information
Transport: Bus, Bicycle
Tour staff: Explore Tour Leader, Explore Tour Leader
Meals :Breakfast 6, Lunch 0 & Dinner 0
