Camino dos Faros: The Lighthouse Way

Land Tour

8 days

Camino dos Faros: The Lighthouse Way
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$AUD 149 per day

Departure: Carballo, Spain

The Camiño dos Faros trail was created by four friends with the aim of connecting all the lighthouses of the Costa da Morte along the northwestern Spanish coast between Malpica and Finisterre. Their main objective was to stay as close as possible to the coast, following a series of small footpaths and dirt trails along stunning cliffs and long sandy almost deserted beaches which cannot be reached easily by car. Galician fishermen, specialists in difficult to catch fish, have for centuries used these paths which can at time be quite exposed. This moderately graded walk requires sure-footedness and a head for heights, although our route avoids treacherous sections of the trail with vehicle transfers. The joy of walking this route is the opportunity to swim in small coves uncrowded even in the middle of summer and ascend cliffs to view impressive coastal scenery. Evenings are spent in small fishing villages in welcoming accommodation. The cuisine of the region is exceptional with opportunities to dine in a range of establishments from Michelin star restaurants to a shack by the sea selling freshly grilled fish.
