Cambodia & Thailand: Angkor Wat, Koh Chang & Cardamom Mountain Adventure - The Geluxe Collection

Land Tour

9 days

Cambodia & Thailand: Angkor Wat, Koh Chang & Cardamom Mountain Adventure - The Geluxe Collection
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$AUD 418 per day

Departure: Siem Reap, Cambodia

Arrival: Bangkok, Thailand


Exploring Southeast Asia gs from iconic to unexpected on this incredible nine-day adventure. The magnificent Angkor Wat in Cambodia sets the stage with its stunning sunrise, providing a glimpse of the adventures ahead. Next, you'll be whisked away on tuk-tuks by local women to partake in the creation of a delectable meal in a Cambodian village. You'll then explore the Cardamom Mountains on foot and by kayak, with your experience actively contributing to the preservation of this protected area. And as the grand finale, soak up the tranquility of a Thai island, featuring more kayaking, beach barbecues, and epic sunsets.
