Cambodia Real Food Adventure

Land Tour

9 days

Cambodia Real Food Adventure
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$AUD 196 per day

Departure: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Arrival: Siem Reap, Cambodia


Cambodia has a unique and ancient food culture all its own, and unlike Thai and Vietnamese food, it's probably difficult to find a bowl of it in your local neighbourhood. Using pepper rather than chilli to add spice, Cambodian cuisine is laden with fresh herbs, spices, rice, freshwater fish and condiments. While there are influences from French and Thai styles, Cambodian food has a distinct style and flavour that's best experienced while seated at a local beer hall or family home. While travelling from Phnom Penh through to Siem Reap, discover the sights, sounds and flavours of Kampot, Battambang and Angkor Wat, and marvel at a cuisine, culture and population so special that you’ll very quickly be won over for life.


1. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room on this trip. The single supplement applies to all nights of your trip and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information.
2. While we endeavor to cater for specific dietary requirements, some meals and food activities are set in advance and may be difficult to adjust. Please advise us of any dietary requirements at the time of booking so that we can ensure you’ll enjoy this trip.

