Brittany Walled Towns

Land Tour

8 days

Brittany Walled Towns
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$AUD 311 per day

Departure: Saint Malo, France

Jutting into the Atlantic, Brittany sets itself apart from the rest of France in more ways than one. Strong Celtic traditions and rites of worship are evident in the prehistoric monuments and vestiges explored on this itinerary. The indigenous language of Breton, discernible on signs and buildings, conveys the proud sense of identity found within this region. Brittany's 1100km of wild coastline is home to spectacular walled villages that are best explored on foot and by bike. There is plenty of time to take in the breathtaking wonder of Mont St Michel, along with the 'pirate's town' of St Malo, quaint seaside villages and oyster and mussel farms along the way. Following canal towpaths into Brittany's interior of Argoat (meaning 'Land of the Woods') you can discover the ancient fairyland of Dinan and the picturesque fortress of Combourg, complete with the Lac Tranquille. An option to extend your cycle journey to the island of Jersey for the day, being only 80 minutes by ferry from St Malo, is highly recommended.
