Best of the Bibbulmun Track

Land Tour

9 days

Best of the Bibbulmun Track
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$AUD 477 per day

Departure: Perth, Australia


Embark on a nine-day adventure, venturing from Parry Beach to Albany, on a captivating exploration of Western Australia's wonders wonders. Delight in the allure of the Denmark area, with its magnificent landscapes, during this immersive Bibbulmun Track experience. The journey kicks off with two days dedicated to the enchanting Karri forests around Beedelup, setting the stage for the awe-inspiring adventure ahead.
As you traverse the diverse terrain, from Parry Beach to Albany, relish in the highlights of the Denmark region. Bask in the tranquility of Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks near Denmark, and marvel at the breathtaking coastal cliffs on route to Albany. While the hills and sandy beach sections provide a thrilling challenge, the reward lies in the unparalleled beauty and variety of the landscapes.
Each evening, retreat to our seaview accommodation close to the track, where you can unwind, recount the day's adventures, and prepare for the next leg of your journey. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Western Australia's natural wonders, making memories that will linger long after the trek concludes. Join us on this unforgettable nine-day expedition, where every step is a discovery and every moment is a testament to the beauty of the Bibbulmun Track.
