Angkor Wat Extension

Land Tour

3 days

Angkor Wat Extension
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$AUD 227 per day

Departure: Siem Reap, Cambodia


This extension tour to Angkor Wat will acquaint you with the history and religions of this fascinating modern day region, along with the architecture and lifestyles of the past. The undoubted highlight is the temple complex of Angkor itself. For more than five hundred years the capital cities of the vast Khmer Empire had been built here. Little is known about the slow decline of this Empire. For a period of about four hundred years, the jungle took over, until the French rediscovered the area in 1860. It is the site of the greatest concentration of temples in the former Khmer Empire, and it is one of the richest archaeological sites in the world. An astonishing 232 square km (60 square miles) is scattered with temples, pagodas, walls, moats, causeways, royal roads and reservoirs, built between the 9th and 13th centuries. Angkor Wat, with its five majestic towers, is not only the largest of all the Khmer monuments, but the largest temple in the world. The volume of stone equals that of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops, yet almost all of it is carved in exquisite detail. There is no other historical site in South East Asia that matches the grandeur of this ancient complex. This extension would compliment to any of our Nepal, India or Asian adventures.
