Amazon Rainforest

Land Tour

3 days

Amazon Rainforest
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$AUD 257 per day

Departure: Puerto Maldonado, Peru

The Tambopata Reserve is considered to be home to the world's greatest concentrations of birds and butterflies. It is located south-east of Cusco near the border to Bolivia and has more species of birds (over 570), butterflies (over 1300), mammals (over 100), amphibians (over 90) and many other animal groups, than any other location of its size on earth. This exceptional diversity is due to its privileged location at the meeting of lowland Amazon with three other ecosystems: the Andean foothills, dry forests and pampas grassland. From the comfort of beautifully set lodges we explore the jungle by foot and boat to maximise our chances of spotting wildlife. (Note: A 4 day option is also available.)
