Alpamayo Circuit

Land Tour

18 days

Alpamayo Circuit
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$AUD 288 per day

Departure: Lima, Peru


Without a doubt, the Cordillera Blanca range provides some of the world’s most spectacular and varied trekking and climbing landscapes. The range boasts more than 50 peaks over 5,700 m (18,700 ft), of which some 20 peaks surpass 6,000 m (19,685 ft). At 6,768 m (22,205 ft), Huascarán is Peru’s highest mountain, and yet it’s the pyramid peak of Alpamayo that is said by many to be the country’s most spectacular. Seasoned trekkers and climbers from around the world agree—Alpamayo is a peak of overwhelming beauty. Within this 170 km-long mountain range we find the greatest concentration of tropical-zone glaciers on earth. Turquoise glacial lakes abound and vertical granite walls rise thousands of metres into the sky. Our Alpamayo Circuit trek weaves a route through the heart of the mountains, crossing a number of high passes that lead us into valleys with remarkably varied mountain landscapes. The focal point of the trek, the famous Alpamayo pyramid was once voted the most beautiful mountain in the world. Our expedition sees us cross the continental divide and, after a succession of stunning views, finds us camping at the amazing Avalancha Campsite (4,650 m / 15,256 ft) where we look down as avalanches crash from immense fissured glaciers on the flanks of the Conrahierbas massif. As we trek we pass through remote farming communities that greet us with warm hospitality and allows us to gain insights into traditional Quechua Indian ways of life. The trek ends after our final breathtaking pass at 4,850 m and descent to the Ulta valley. This adventure has been designed with acclimatisation in mind and to ensure that the ‘work’ of trekking is properly rewarded by the satisfaction of being in an incredibly beautiful place!
