10-Day Luxury Amazon Cruise & Machu Picchu

Land Tour

10 days

10-Day Luxury Amazon Cruise & Machu Picchu
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$AUD 967 per day

Departure: Lima, Peru

Arrival: Juliaca, Peru



Private / Tailor made

This ten-day trip encompasses the very best experiences Peru has to offer. You'll begin the tour with a luxury four-day Amazon cruise in the Iquitos region at Pacaya Samiria National Park. This reserve is the largest protected flooded forest in the world. The Amazon region holds a diversity of many hundreds of millions of species. One in five of all birds recorded live in this extraordinary habitat. It also contains over 3,000 species of fresh-water fish.Your cruise is the perfect springboard to access this breathtaking region, in the company of the very best naturalist guides.You'll then continue onwards to the Sacred Valley to learn the culture of the Inca at Misminay and explore the manifold complex ruins such as Ollantaytambo and Moray. The pinnacle of your trip is Machu Picchu. Your private guide will accompany you throughout the labyrinth of passages and bring this amazing citadel to life in what is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.You'll conclude the trip in Cusco, known as the "Navel of the World" in the 14th century, as the Inca people embarked on a period of expansion yet to be surpassed in Latin America. The ruins today include many UNESCO sites unmatched on the planet.
