Stockholm return - self drive tour

Land Tour

6 days

Stockholm return - self drive tour
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Itinerary
  • Location

$AUD 238 per day

Departure: Stockholm, Sweden

Arrival: Stockholm, Sweden


You are about to experience the lush Swedish countryside, lakes, deep woods and a relaxing break along the coast where you can feast on fresh prawns while watching the sunset from the water front.

Towards the end of the trip you arrive Gränna, the small town with beautiful alleys and cozy corners. Learn how to make the local candy; the famous 'polka sticks'. Also a detour out to Visingsö Island is not to forget.


  • Picturesque Swedish countryside

  • Charming coastal villages and delicious seafood

  • Learn how to make the swedish candy stick "polkagris"

