Green Forests & Blue Lakes - self drive in Finland

Land Tour

9 days

Green Forests & Blue Lakes - self drive in Finland
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$AUD 557 per day

Departure: Helsinki, Finland

Arrival: Helsinki, Finland


Taking this tour to the eastern parts of Finland is like taking a trip into the heart of Finnish identity. The Finns love their deep green forests, the rolling hills and the glittering lakes that cover most of this area. The importance of this national landscape was highlighted in Finnish art during the era of national romanticism. Painters such as Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Eero Järnefelt traveled, with great effort, throughout the country and brought these landscapes into the national consciousness. Finnish writers like Runeberg and Topelius enthused about the beauty of the region in their works.

This is also where the mythological history, in the form of songs, sung and re-sung through generations, was collected into the National Epic, the Kalevala, by Elias Lönnrot. It has been said that these mythical stories also inspired JRR Tolkien for his creation of Middle Earth. This tour also explores the Russian influences and Finland’s war history.

